Monday, August 24, 2020

Vision and Blindsight Essay -- Biology Essays Research Papers

Vision and Blindsight Suggestions Regarding Consciousness Vision- - accepting and deciphering light signals from nature so as to shape a picture in one's psyche - is an extraordinarily perplexing procedure. Some way or another signs from photoreceptors situated in the eye are changed over into the cognizant experience of sight. Of the considerable number of parts of vision, maybe the most hard for us to understand logically is this thought of cognizance. By one way or another the mind deciphers light waves hitting the retina with the goal that we are outwardly mindful of our environmental factors. While the system of sign transduction from the photoreceptor through the visual cortex has been broadly clarified, science experiences issues managing the wonders of cognizance and mindfulness, particularly on a reductionist level. An ongoing neurobiological way to deal with getting awareness, in any event on a perceptual level, has included the investigation of the marvel of blindsight. Harm to regions of the visual cortex frequently bring about complete or halfway visual deficiency. In spite of the fact that the eye itself is flawless, patients report a powerlessness to distinguish any light contribution to part of (or the whole) visual field. In any case, tries normally show that some way or another, viewable signals are handled. Visual sources of info introduced to the visually impaired field influence the patient's reaction to boost in the typical visual field. Response times to upgrades are influenced just as the translation of the improvements. An obvious prompts introduced in the visually impaired field may recommend a specific translation of a vague boosts. For instance, the understanding of bank, introduced as a sound-related sign, contrasts relying upon whether stream or cash is introduced to the vis ually impaired field, despite the fact that the patient doesn't... ...Linked%20Pages/Physiol/Cortex.html 3) Visual Processing Streams 4) Consciousness, Neurobiology of 5) Pattern of neuronal movement related with cognizant and oblivious handling of visual signs, Sahraie, et al.!fyear:1996!fmonth:Nov!tmonth:Nov!tdatedef:11+November+1997!fdatedef:12+November+1996!hits:10!fulltext:consciousness!sendit:Search 6) The Problem of Consciousness Crick and Koch ko.htm#blindsight 7) Co nsciousness 8) On a Confusion About a Function of Consciousness. Square, Ned

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Health and Social Care Management

Question: Compose a clarification of one bit of enactment, one approach and one code of training that can be applied to mind arranging and appraisals to work place. Portray how three key experts could be engaged with arranging support for people. Answer: Enactment Handicap segregation act The constitution imagines that the country will never separate any individual as to standing, doctrine, religion, confidence and so forth and the state will attempt the total advancement of each individual to his full capacities. The appropriate condition would be given to everybody to allow him to thrive and his evaluation could never be emotional (Repa, 2010). The countries just as states have passed different enactments to give due pride, regard and respect to the whole resident. The administration or senior officials will be not be working in legitimate mode, rather there will be participative and neighborly relations incorporating great standard of correspondence among the representatives. For this reason, the representatives would be granted important mindfulness about rich societies of nation and its legacy. There would be all means taken to dispense with segregation by virtue of any physical or mental incapacity. For the reason the information about t he resident would be gathered and the information would not be imparted to the individual not approved to know it. Be that as it may, such information would be accessible for access for the individual straightforwardly identified with him. Approaches Wellbeing and security approach With the reason for Sarvodaya or Ram Rajya, the state would make the strategies for shielding the in enthusiasm of various class of resident. These arrangements would be identified with their wellbeing and security. Wellbeing and security additionally by implication covers all viewpoints like mishap, injury evaluation of hazard engaged with achievement of any errand, and related compensation and so forth (Walters and Nichols, 2007). There are approaches with respect to the putting away and treatment of such substances so the soundness of the laborers isn't unduly influenced. There are the strategies that individual abusing the laws and acting against, would be managed harshly. Code of Practice- Instructive childcare-It has been guaranteed that the laws and approaches made by enactment and different specialists are used to the full degree and afterward just the motivation behind creation those will be accomplished. With this view, different boards and advisory groups are made in practically all the foundations and associations. For instance, for the offspring of extraordinary needs, there are different instructive foundations and advisory groups made, with the goal that they are not left powerless and their advancement to the fullest limits be accomplished (Childcare and early training - GOV.UK, 2016). Arrangements of unique instructors, guides and other government assistance staff are one such measure. It has been seen that different laws, rules, guidelines and strategies cannot yield the ideal outcome, until and except if the key proficient are included. In this way, their included is very vital and they will help in the accompanying way: Homeroom Teacher - The incredible researcher Shakespeare has said that the understudy is a book and the instructor needs to contemplate it from page to page (each page). This implies the instructor must comprehend the requirements and capacities of the every single understudy he educates. The arrangement of homeroom instructor made in schools and other instructive foundations are made with some reason and this intention is to have close and caring disposition towards the youngsters and their total turn of events (Farrell, Balshaw and Polat, 2016). The study hall educator knows the extraordinary needs of youngsters and he can be of incredible assistance in arranging the schedule, educational plan and different exercises identified with the understudies. Social Worker-Everybody cannot be a social laborer, to be such uncommon curve of brain and heart is required along with helping mentality. A social laborer doesn't work for compensation, however from his through and through freedom and bliss. He has total information on the general public and it explicit issues, issues just as solid focuses. His association in arranging would help in making arrangements for expulsion of different social wrongs that exist in a specific culture (Walters and Nichols, 2007). Extraordinary Educational Needs Coordinator-It is notable that all the people are not comparable in physical just as mental abilities. Their tendency, demeanor and related conduct are too extraordinary different perspectives. Along these lines, all the youngsters cannot be instructed by one single strategy. The example of training, standard of educating and so on ought to as per the youngsters with the goal that they handle it and put them to utilize (SENCO, 2016). A custom curriculum needs organizer is master in this field and he makes courses of action as indicated by the need of understudy for bringing them up to the palatable level. His association in arranging would bring about usage of unique plans and plans for the extraordinary kids. References Whitehead, D., 2006. Working environment wellbeing advancement: the job and obligation of human services managers.Journal of nursing management,14(1), pp.59-68 Repa, B. (2010). Your privileges in the working environment. Berkeley, Calif.: Nolo. Walters, D. also, Nichols, T. (2007). Specialist portrayal and work environment wellbeing and security. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan. Childcare and early instruction - GOV.UK. (2016). [online] Accessible at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2016]. Farrell, D., Balshaw, D. also, Polat, D. (2016). The Management, Role and Training of Learning Support Assistants. Research Report No 161, pp.1-109. SENCO. (2016). Unique Educational Needs. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Mar. 2016].

Friday, July 17, 2020

Anxiety Disorder and the Family and Medical Leave Act

Anxiety Disorder and the Family and Medical Leave Act February 05, 2020 Jamie Grill Getty Images More in Panic Disorder Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions In This Article Table of Contents Expand What Is FMLA? Covered Employers Eligible Employees Benefits Getting Leave Approved How Violations Are Handled If you have an anxiety disorder, there is a good chance that your condition qualifies you for the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).?? You may find that your symptoms worsen while under stress or become more difficult to control  during certain times of the year. You may even find that your symptoms wax and wane with no apparent rhyme or reason. Whether or not your symptoms are predictable, their intensity may affect your ability to carry out your usual employment duties. This may mean taking a temporary medical leave of absence from work. The FMLA  provides certain benefits for employees who need  to be absent from work due to their own illness or that of an immediate family member. What Is FMLA? The Family and Medical Leave Act took  effect in 1993. It requires employers to allow eligible employees an unpaid leave of absence for up to 12 workweeks in a year for any of the following reasons: The birth of a child or to care for a newbornThe adoption or foster care of a newly placed child in the employee’s homeThe care of an immediate family member (such as a spouse, child, parent) with an illness or chronic conditionThe employee’s own serious health condition The act generally defines “serious health conditions” in a few ways including physical or mental conditions that involve inpatient care, continuing treatment, and a period of incapacity for three or more days.  A seriously ill  employee  or employee’s family member  may also take an intermittent leave of absence or work a reduced schedule. Reduced work hours may mean working four-hour days or  four-day weeks. A reduced schedule also refers to  intermittent absence due to an unpredictable course of an illness (i.e., unforeseen absence due to unpredictable worsening of symptoms).  Intermittent or reduced schedule leaves are bound by the 12 workweeks in a 12-month period. Covered Employers The following employers are covered by the FMLA: Generally, private employers who have 50 or more employeesState, local, and federal employersPublic and private elementary and secondary schools Eligible Employees An employee who is employed by a covered employer is eligible for leave under the FMLA if all of the following are met: The employee has worked for the covered employer for at least 12 months.The employee has worked a minimum of 1,250 hours during the 12 months prior to the start of the FMLA leave.The employee works at a location, or within 75 miles of other employer locations, where at least 50 employees are employed. Benefits Under the FMLA, an employer must maintain health benefits during the leave period. An employee may be required to continue to pay his or her share of the medical benefits premium during the leave. An employer must also provide job restoration upon an employee’s return from an FMLA leave. This would include returning the employee to his or her original job or to an equivalent position within the company. Certain “key” employees may not qualify for job restoration. “Key” employees generally occupy crucial positions within the company. If holding such an employee’s position open during an FMLA leave causes the employer “substantial and grievous economic injury,” an employer may be able to fill the position without violating the job restoration provision. Getting Leave Approved An employer may require the entitled employee to provide a medical certification from his or her physician or other healthcare professional prior to granting an FMLA leave. An employee is not, however, required to provide an employer with medical records. In some cases, the employer may be entitled to timely notice prior to granting a leave (such as scheduled treatments).  An employer may require an employee to use all accrued paid time off prior to beginning an unpaid leave under the FMLA. FMLA leaves are generally handled through human resources (or personnel) department. Any and all information that you provide to your employer should be held in the strictest confidence and should only be disclosed to others who are directly responsible for making the leave determination. In general, your immediate supervisor should not have access to the medical information provided by your doctor or other healthcare providers. How Violations Are Handled It is unlawful for an employer to deny an entitled employee an FMLA leave or to discriminate against or discharge an employee for exercising his or her rights under the FMLA. The Wage and Hour Division of the U.S. Department of Labor investigates employer violations of the FMLA. This division will contact the employer for resolution of the issues  but may also bring court action against an employer for noncompliance. In addition, an eligible employee may initiate a civil lawsuit against his or her covered employer who has violated the terms of the FMLA.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Justice in Romero Essay - 1239 Words

Justice in Romero The influential and gripping film, Romero, directed by John Duigan, portrays the life and death of Archbishop Oscar Romero. The movie shows the world through the eyes of the El Salvadorian people during the 1980s, when poverty and military rule flourished over the people. The country of El Salvador was run by an elite group of few who controlled most of the power and money, leaving the majority of the people deprived and powerless. This imbalance in the social system left much of the people under oppression, constantly controlled by the corrupt government and even sometimes persecuted when they tried to speak out. The church was a witness to the violations of human rights and this ruthless behavior by the El†¦show more content†¦At first this is what Romero did, he preached to be peacemakers and not to revolt. But after the government shot their weapons into crowds indiscriminately at a worship ceremony held outside, killing a few people including a prie st who was also Romeros close friend, was when Romero begins to rebuke the government and lead the struggle for justice and human rights in the country. Romero develops into a man who rocks the boat. In that, meaning he organized rallies and masses that brought the people together causing anger upon the government. He leads a peasant march into a church that is occupied by soldiers in order to perform mass, and also offends and defies the El Salvadorian president. Throughout the movie, Romero is faced with challenge after challenge from the military and government, but through it all he continued to speak to his people and praising the word of god. The film came to a tragic ending as Archbishop Romero was shot by a hired assassin during mass. Although martyred for his beliefs, his spirit lived on in the Salvadorian people. Father Romero was a very influential figure. Inclined himself by the masses of poverty stricken individuals harmed by the government, Romero was a man who was cle arly in pursuit of social justice. The first step he took towards the situation was assessing the real life poverty and oppression that was at hand. Romero along with the church examined what wasShow MoreRelatedIgnatian Leaders: Oscar Arnulfo y Galdamez1766 Words   |  7 PagesIgnatian Leader Oscar Romero is one of the most popular and unique Archbishops in Latin America due to his devotion and relationship with the poor. Romero was one of the first to speak out on behalf of the poor and fought for human rights and for the victims during El Salvadors bloody civil war. Romeros birth name is Oscar Arnulfo y Galdamez and he was born on August 15, 1917 in Ciudad Barrios, a small mountain village in El Salvador. He is the son of Guadalupe de Jesus and Santos Romero. As a result ofRead MoreOscar Romero s Religious Beliefs Affected His Work For Social Change1347 Words   |  6 Pagesviolence, social injustice, the exclusion of citizens from the management of the country, repression,† Oscar Romero said in his sermon on the 23rd September 1979. Six months later, Romero was shot and killed. During the 1970’s and 80’s the El Salvadorian public experienced a brutal campaign of repression by the military government, which claimed thousands of lives. The leader of the church, Oscar Romero began to speak out on behalf of the victims and on the 23rd of March 1980, he made a direct appeal toRead MoreOscar Romero Stood Up for the Poor and Troubled Nation of El Salvador551 Words   |  3 PagesÓscar Romero was a Roman Catholic priest that stood up for the poor and injustice in the troubled nation of El Salvador. In the early stages of his life, Romero had entered a boarding school for priests at the age of thirteen. Then he went to the national boarding school in San Salvador. He finished his studies at the Gregorian University in Rome, and was appointed a priest in Rome in 1942. Although Romero wanted to acquire a doctorate in theology, he had to go home to El Salvador in 1944 due toRead MoreSimilarities And Differences Between Traditional And Liberation Ess ay1498 Words   |  6 Pagesoutcome that is sought after from both biblical and church traditions. In traditional theology faith is used to seek answers to better understand abstract ideas such as our existence. Whereas liberation is more about justice rather than understanding. Using our faith to seek the justice that is deserved through the practice of love and compassion. It becomes very personal from love, which also happens to be the most powerful force of liberation theology. It is clear traditional and liberation theologyRead More Romero Essay882 Words   |  4 Pages In the movie Romero, Archbishop Romero changes very much in his understanding of love and in his understanding of true conscience. At first Romero is just a priest who isn’t really concerned about the poor and how they are being oppressed, but when Romero is chosen to be the new Archbishop his friend, who is assassinated, I think has a slight impact on him. But I think when his friend is assassinated is when he really starts to realize what is happening to the country of El Salvador and how theRead MoreEngaging The Theology Of Oscar Romero1739 Words   |  7 PagesEngaging the theology of Oscar Romero: Oscar Romero was a Christian who eventually became part of a community, the priesthood. As he was gradually was promoted to higher position within the Catholic Church, his theological views began to change. As he began to see the oppression of the poor in Salvador and experience rough encounters with the government, he started to question the relationship of God within the community and politics. This engagement paper will discuss Romero’s libertarian theologicalRead MoreThe Maid s Daughter By Mary Romero1326 Words   |  6 Pagesabout the life of a Mexican woman whose journey from Mexico to the United States by becoming a maid for the wealthy elites and in turn raising a daughter at the same time which is quite a story to read about. The author is Mary Romero who is currently a professor of Justice and Social Inquiry at Arizona State University. She has received several awards and has written many novels about Latino Culture. She graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree f rom Regis College. I think the main reason why this authorRead MoreThe Government s Political And Economic Tactics1575 Words   |  7 Pagessacrificed in the pursuit of social justice and religious reformation. His death served as a catalyst which incited a previously dormant, yet powerful force against the Salvadoran government: Oscar Romero. Grande and Romero were both members of the Society of Jesus, however, they held very different views when it came to politics and the state of the church (Brackley). Grande favored more progressive, left-wing political ideas and radical church restructuring, whereas Romero was decidedly conservative andRead MoreHow Similar Were the Dictatorships of Primo de Rivera and Franco?1373 Words   |  6 Pagesmilitary in their regime and the roles of women in their society. Firstly, it was argued by authors such as Raymond Carr and Francisco J. Romero Salvadà ³ that Primo only intended to rule Spain for a short amount of time in order to find quick solutions to deal with Spain’s illnesses such as social disorder, economic recession and the Colonial War in Morroco (Romero Salvadà ³,1960, pg 52). 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Farewell My Concubine Self-Identification in Context Free Essays

Directed by Chen Kaige, a highly acclaimed fifth-generation Chinese film director, Farewell My Concubine has received many international film awards and nominations; among them are the Best Foreign Film and the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival in 1993. In the film, Cheng Dieyi, a Peking Opera actor playing the leading female characters, becomes obsessed with his role as the concubine of the King of Chu and blurs his stage role with the real life he leads. The circumstances in which one grows up in are critical factors in shaping his or her sense of self-identity. We will write a custom essay sample on Farewell My Concubine: Self-Identification in Context or any similar topic only for you Order Now This paper attempts to explore the gender identity troubles that Cheng Dieyi has undergone in his self-identification and sexuality in the context of the environment of his upbringing. The story begins when Cheng’s mother takes her son to Master Guan and begs him to take Dieyi (whose nickname was Douzi at the time) into his opera troupe. In order to be a performer in the Peking opera, one must not have any features that are abnormal or that may frighten the audience. Unfortunately, Douzi fails this test because he was born with a sixth finger on one of his hands.His mother was desperate to sell him off and thus cuts off her son’s finger with a cleaver. At this point, Master Guan agrees to accept Douzi as a disciple in his opera troupe. Master Guan notices that Douzi’s â€Å"features were surprisingly delicate; he was almost pretty† , which are perfect for playing female roles. Thus, Douzi is chosen as a dan , or the female lead of the opera troupe. He will play the female roles alongside his best friend, Xiaolou who was chosen to be his sheng, or male lead. Starting from even the earliest scenes of the film, Dieyi’s self-identity has been slowly ripped away from him.Dieyi’s abrupt transition from living in a brothel as a prostitute’s son to becoming a well-disciplined opera singer in the troupe is marked by his mother’s brutal amputation of his sixth finger. This symbolic castration implies that one must abandon his inherited past in order to seek a new social identity. â€Å"The root of biological determinism has been severed and the subject freed to pursue a place in a symbolic world of gender fluidity† Dieyi’s finger is not the only thing that has been emasculated, but his self-identity has been castrated as well. The film hints at this in the beginning by including the character of Master Ni, a unuch who was p hysically castrated, losing his male reproductive organs. While Master Ni was physically castrated of his male reproductive organs, Dieyi becomes mentally and emotionally castrated through his harsh upbringing in the opera troupe. Whereas the symbolic castration signifies the possibility of Dieyi’s transition from a biological male to a stereotypical female, the harsh corporal punishment he receives during his training in the opera troupe enforces that transition. Corporal punishment is often used in schools to reinforce the relation between master and student.It instills in students a sense of the power of the social hierarchy and their place within it. Dieyi’s designated â€Å"place† on that hierarchy, sadly, requires that he learns to abandon his male identity. While corporal punishment remakes Dieyi mentally, costume and make up remakes Dieyi physically. As he performs in the long dresses and fancy headdresses, he sees himself capable of reflecting signs of beauty and femininity. He is forced to sing â€Å"I am by nature a girl, not a boy† , and his full transition to femininity went into full motion the moment he mastered this line and accepted it as the truth, that he is by nature a girl, not a boy.Like most of the male dans in the Peking Opera theatre, Cheng Dieyi must be able to create the illusion of a real female that appeals to the male audience, but Cheng’s femininity is apparent not only on stage, but off stage as well. Clearly, Cheng has fully adapted his female roles into his life off stage. He speaks in a low soft voice, his movements are graceful, maintains the delicate hand pose of the Lan huazhi (the artificial feminine hand pose of the male dan), and wears a seductive look that would often be considered a feminine gaze.Most male dans merely imitate these feminine acts on stage, but Cheng Dieyi gradually transforms these â€Å"acts† into an unconscious habit of his. â€Å"The repetition of the stylized female acts embedde d in female impersonation and the rigid and violent regulation of these acts eventually bring about Cheng Dieyi’s unconscious identification with Yuji, concubine of the Chu King, constructing in him a feminine sexuality and identity. † Opera performers at the time were expected to play their stage roles for ife. Dieyi’s most notable performance is an epic opera named Farewell My Concubine; it tells the story of the King of Chu (Xiang Yu) and his faithful concubine Yuji. Xiang Yu knows that he has lost to his enemy and drinks with Yuji on the last night. Yuji performs a sword dance for him and then cuts her own throat with his sword to express her faithfulness to him. As Dieyi continues to play the role of Yuji into this professional career, he begins to blur the life of Yuji’s character and his own.This becomes very obvious when Dieyi begins to show signs of affection towards his stage partner, Xiaolou, who plays the King of Chu. In multiple times throughout the movie, Dieyi can be seen looking at Xiaolou with a tender, almost romantic gaze and is especially gentle when he helps Xiaolou apply makeup and dress in costume. His romantic feelings for his â€Å"stage brother† are translucent to the audience as he is overcome by jealousy at the news that Xiaolou was getting m arried to Juxian. He believes that Juxian is robbing him of what was rightfully his.As in the opera when Yu Ji and Xiang Yu swear their love to each other, what Dieyi sees is actually he and his stage brother declaring their loyalty to one another. While Cheng Dieyi wholly embodies the female roles he impersonates, the Peking opera stage is essentially the world in which he bases his identity on. As he enters his professional career and makes a name for himself, he thinks that he will always be able to hide behind his feminine charms, and that art will always transcend any situation.For a while, he is proven right. On one occasion, he sings for a Japanese official to help Xiaolou out of jail; in another, he sings for a Chinese official to bail himself out of jail. Duan Xiaolou reminds Dieyi again and again that life is not the stage and he must learn to adjust to the values of the changing times. The film covers a story that spans across 50 years of Chinese history: the rise and fall of the Nationalist Party, the Sino-Japanese War, the rise of the Communist Party, and the Cultural Revolution.As the nation goes through a turbulent historical period, Cheng simply views it as a backdrop that would never affect his performances. He was never concerned about any of the political upheavals that occurred or the change in regimes. He felt that as long as his art is being appreciated, it does not matter who the political leaders are. When he was put on trial for being a traitor when the Communist Party was in power, he exclaims, â€Å"If the Japanese were still here, Peking Opera would have spread into Japan already,† with no regard to the consequences.The art of Peking opera has always been Cheng’s way of escaping reality, and it is this illusion that he identifies with. However, when the Cultural Revolution started in 1966, the identity he has found for himself has be en robbed from him once again. The Cultural Revolution is one that advocates extreme reality, and thus traditional art becomes a target of exploitation for distracting people from reality. When Dieyi and Xiaolou are taken out onto the streets to be reprimanded, his previous illusion that he and Xiaolou would never betray one another, just as Yu Ji and Xiang Yu would never do so, is shattered.Under the humiliation and physical abuse of the Red Guards, Xiaolou calls Dieyi a traitor to the Chinese and a homosexual. Cheng and Duan then turn on each other and expose incriminating details about each other’s past to the Red Guards. This political movement is in a sense, a rude awakening for Cheng. For the first time, it forces him to abandon the identity that he forged for himself on the opera stage, and accept that he lives in a world where loyalty is not always indestructible. It is because of this revolution that causes Dieyi’s blurred lines between opera and reality to slowly reappear. These lines, however, did not have a lasting effect. When Cheng Dieyi and Duan Xiaolou reunite on the stage many years after the Cultural Revolution, they make their final Farewell My Concubine performance. At the last scene, Dieyi, playing Yuji, takes the sword and slits his throat. Dieyi wanted so desperately to be Yuji his entire life, and he finally fulfilled that wish, or so he thinks, by boldly committing suicide just as Yuji has done so: for his love, and in a dramatic manner, like a stage opera should be.Cheng Dieyi had grown up with violence and abuse, in a society with constant political turmoil and turbulent changes. As a boy who was already an introvert to begin with, the unsettling changes that revolved around him became too overwhelming. He had no choice but to retreat into a world that he knows best: the opera stage. Though the opera stage is but a fictional world, it is the only place in which he is always the hero(ine).Works Cited Cui, Shuqin. â€Å"Engendering Identity: Female Impersonation in Farewell My Concubine . From Poetic Realm to Fictional World: Chinese Theory of Fictional Ontology (1999) Farewell My Concubine. Dir. Chen Kaige. 1993. DVD. Miramax Films, 1999. Goldstein, Joshua (1999). â€Å"Mei Lanfang and the Nationalization of Peking Opera, 1912–1930† East Asian Cultures Critique 7 (2): 377–420. He, Chengzhou. â€Å"Gaze, Performativity and Gender Trouble in Farewell My Concubine. † Nanjing University (2004): n. pag. Web. Poquette, Ryan D. , Critical Essay on Farewell My Concubine, in Novels for Students, Gale, 2004. How to cite Farewell My Concubine: Self-Identification in Context, Papers

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Strategic Planning for Community Building

Introduction A large number of taxpayers, not only in South Carolina but also in other parts of the world have the right to be made aware of the benefits they would obtain through entrusting their governments with huge amounts of money paid as tax. The government of South Carolina has been carrying out awareness campaigns to let people know that millions of dollars collected as tax go into proper use.Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Strategic Planning for Community Building specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Evidently, every sector concerned with the welfare of the people gets a significant proportion of money for developmental purposes. The education sector is one of the sectors that have greatly benefited from government funding. The residents of South Carolina are not confident that their taxes go into good use. This is despite the government clarifying that it is fully accountable for every single cent collec ted as tax goes put into proper use. Strategic Planning for Community Building Numerous studies have been carried out to determine whether tax collected from the people is used for national development or not. A study carried out by Barron et al (2005), entitled â€Å"The economic impact of public libraries on South Carolina† for instance, was aimed at determining whether public libraries present any tangible benefits to South Carolinians. This study was also aimed at determining the extent to which these people feel that public libraries contribute to their general economic wellbeing. Whereas some people argue that establishment of public libraries is an inappropriate use of public funds, it is important to note that a large number of people have greatly benefited from these national facilities. The study by Barron et al (2005) utilized data obtained from different people with reference to the general use of public libraries, the use of libraries for business purposes, the u se of public libraries for personal investments, in addition to their use for job seeking in order to come up with an unbiased conclusion. It was argued that a large number of those who made use of public libraries had positive perceptions towards these facilities. Many people agree that the benefits public libraries present to members of their families cannot be compared to any other social service. This study was necessitated by claims by the American Library Association that those working in public libraries were not providing users with quality services. The principal aim of this study was bringing to light the importance of all relevant parties demonstrating continued interest and also commitment to the public libraries. This issue is of national interest since it offers students and the public at large an opportunity to take part in meaningful scholarship that besides being of personal interest enables students to participate in public services (Hopper, 2012).Advertising Looking for article on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Despite the positive perceptions of many towards libraries, some people still argue that these facilities are only meant to benefit a few and, therefore, cannot be categorized as economically viable strategies. It is, however, important to note that a good measure of value for any service is obtained only by those who make use of it. Some of the benefits associated with public libraries, as outlined by Barron et al (2005), include: Improvement of the quality of life, attraction of new businesses to the community, nurturing love for reading among the people, assisting people to manage personal finances, increasing local property value, and attracting patronage to local investments. This is in addition to enhancing personal fulfillment. These facilities have also been shown to act as a source of employment. They are also believed to introduce users to novel technologies and assist them with life-long learning among others. Respondents in the study by Barron et al (2005) made it clear that monetary value cannot be placed on life-long learning, and information obtained from various sources in the library play a significant role of promoting a healthy, as well as a vibrant community. Despite some people arguing that libraries are not economically viable, it should be noted that the establishment of these facilities falls under some of the government strategies directed towards benefiting the general community. The government aims at reducing knowledge gap that exists between the people through the establishment of public libraries. Public libraries act as channel through which the rift between elites and the local people can be bridged so as to fulfill the government’s principal aim of enhancing the local people’s intellectual capacity (Stueart Moran, 2007). It should be noted that the local people face a great deal of cha llenges, some of which include: Poverty, crime, ethnic crisis, and educational challenges. These challenges call for solid solutions to manage them. These challenges are believed to dominate the local problem solving plans. A number of social and economic factors have been shown to hamper the efforts to generate practical solutions to these problems (Nelson, 2009). The establishment of a public library has been recognized by many, including academicians, as a practical way through which most of these challenges can be counteracted. The people become empowered through increasing their intellectual capacity, and as a result, they are able to generate solid solutions to most of their problems (Gardner et al. 2000).Advertising We will write a custom article sample on Strategic Planning for Community Building specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Establishment of a public library acts as an approach which, if combined with others, can offe r a strong building block when putting up a novel model of community democracy. It has been revealed that a substantial number of businesspeople who have access to information in public libraries agree to having recorded huge successes in their ventures (McClure Jaeger, 2009). Construction of public libraries in many countries has been recognized as one of the major government ventures, which translates to proper utilization of taxes. These facilities are believed to have the potential to enhance economic growth of individuals and also the nation. Investors make clear that information on almost 90% of all investments made in a certain region is obtained from public libraries (Barron et al 2005). It is supposed that information from public libraries enable people to come up with economically viable decisions. In addition, it should be noted that a large number of people do not have the financial capacity to purchase some of the most important books in the market. Most of these books are availed at an affordable charge in the libraries. It is approximated that users spend over $100 million to purchase intellectual materials. Research has revealed that this cost can be reduced to about 26$ million by establishing a public library. Therefore, public libraries provide people with an affordable means through which they can acquire relevant information (Barron et al 2005). Even though a large amount of money is used to establish and fully equip a public library, financial resources that can be earned as a service charge from these facilities exceed the cost of establishment by far. Public libraries have been shown to have the capacity to generate over $5 million dollars per year as service charges. It is no doubt that the benefits generated from public libraries can be enjoyed by generations to come. Regardless of such a fact, some people are still opposed to the establishment of a public library, arguing that such an initiative does not benefit all groups of people compared to other social and academic activities (Nelson, Altman Mayo, 2000). The initiative to establish a public library is a well thought out strategy that calls for the participation of a large number of stakeholders. It is a strategy that, in addition to incorporating feedback from diverse segments of the community, has quantifiable objectives and is realistic for the entire nation (Hawkins et al. 2001).Advertising Looking for article on public administration? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Establishment of a public library is an extensive process that calls for efforts from different players. Peer reviewers, for instance, in addition to working in collaboration with the directors as well as the people, carry out assessments of the plan and the process by looking at any relevant data. Reviewers, on the other hand, request for more information concerning various sections of the plan to determine whether it meets the stipulated guidelines. Assessments are also carried out to determine whether the principal objectives of the plan stretch library services over the future. Therefore, arguments by some sections of society that transforming a community building into a public library are misguided and do not have a solid base. Public libraries, on the contrary, have been shown to enhance the schooling efforts of a large number of people. Large numbers of retirees and those who study at home rely on public libraries for information (Marco, 2011). Strategic planning for a commun ity building should not be left to a group of people, but rather it should be taken as a responsibility of all pertinent parties. The team involved should come up with a logical, as well as relevant plan for the building. The board should ensure that the interest of stakeholders is represented and the course for the library is steered to successful completion (Webber Peters, 2010). Albeit establishment of a public library being an effective strategy through which social and economic challenges that emanate from misguided decisions can be solved, it is not a bullet solution to all community problems. Firstly, it requires allocation of a large amount of money. It is argued that it may take many years before the community starts reaping the benefits associated with a public library (Matthews, 2005). Some people also argue that other means can be made use of to counteract environmental challenges, dysfunctional politics and efficiently address local maladies in place of public librarie s. These people point out that there is need for all sectors of the community to work in harmony towards a common goal. It has also been argued that considering public libraries have a budget to adhere to, their selection on resources becomes limited. There are higher chances of public libraries becoming victims of censorship. Some resources in the library may be banned if they contain sections with a higher possibility of creating controversy compared to other materials (Nelson, 2008). Since the tax is the main source of support for these facilities, they are left with no choice but to yield to these controversies. It can, however, be concluded that that strategy to transform a public building into a public library is an economically viable approach. Public libraries have the potential to enhance the intellectual capacity of the people, thereby increasing their ability to make rational economic decisions. References Barron, D. R. et al. (2005). The economic impact of public librari es on South Carolina. Web. Gardner, J. W. et al. (2000). The community commissioning and strategic planning handbook, New York, NY: National Civic League Press. Hawkins, M. et al. (2001). Value and use of public libraries. Public Library Journal, 16(2), 35-37. Hopper, L. (2012). Sustainable public libraries. Web. Marco, G. A. (2011). The American public library handbook. Santa Barbara: California, ABC-CLIO. Matthews, J. R. (2005). Strategic planning and management for library managers. Mahwah, NJ: Libraries Unlimited. McClure, C. R. Jaeger, P. T. (2009). Public libraries and internet service roles: Measuring and maximizing internet services. New York, NY: ALA Editions. Nelson, S. (2008). Strategic planning for results. Chicago: American Library Association, 2008. For the Public Library Association. Nelson, S. (2009). Implementing for results: Your strategic plan in action. New York, NY: ALA Editions. Nelson, S. S., Altman, E. Mayo, D. (2000). Managing for results: Effective resour ce allocation for public libraries. New York, NY: ALA Editions. Stueart, R. D. Moran B. B. (2007). Library and information center management. Mahwah, NJ: Libraries Unlimited. Webber, D. Peters, A. (2010). Integrated library systems: Planning, selecting, and implementing. Santa Barbara: California, ABC-CLIO. This article on Strategic Planning for Community Building was written and submitted by user Yuliana O. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.